So. I have once again shifted my gaming focus... this time, back South, to Umbar, the Haradwaith, and beyond.
I have recently rediscovered one of my favorite characters, the Haradan thief and adventurer Roon Dorozhand, son of Roon, son of Roon, son of Roon, Keeper of the Sword of Hoodrazai.
Elements for a Quest are forming and are slowly being put into place. I am slowly gathering together a very small cadre of companions for this, as well as assembling the needed library of MERP volumes.
I am very excited, and think about the possibilities every day. Umbar, Greater Harad, Far Harad, Boshisha-Dar, Ciryatandor, Ny Chennacatt, the Yellow Mountains... I have never been so excited about a campaign!
So far, I have two possible companions to come with me and my mule, Chu-bu, on this Quest, fellow Haradrim both: Reav Bodrahan and Blod Tarkhaan. There is another, possibly, but we shall have to see if his overlords allow him time to come and play.